Nandini Dias
‘I rarely get asked questions relating to my work as a CEO instead most people want to know if I have traded my family for a leadership role’ Nandini Dias , CEO Lodestar UM. The most influential woman in the advertising world as ranked by brand equity through a recent survey. Married to the Creative head & Co Founder Taproot communications Agnello Dias, who is also amidst the top 10 influencers of the advertising world as per the survey. Being a leader and leveraging her position to affect change makes her an influential leader for sure, is my opinion. We spoke on many things that make her the influential leader that she is. You will see the crux of our conversation through the video above.
Nandini in her own way is trying to bring about a change in mindset of leaders. Every day 10 people lose their lives due to office hour rush in Mumbai local trains. The situation gets worse through monsoons. With the best of the educational institutes and corporations working in Mumbai, Nandini refused to believe there couldn’t be a solution to this. Not caring a damn isn’t the atittude she subscribed to, especially after 2 personal losses due to infra structural challenges. That’s when the idea of staggered work timings or flexi work hours came to her and translated into the ‘work to live to work’ initiative.
I met her in her new office in Saki Naka on my trip to Mumbai in August. Through conversations that started over Daal Khichdi and ended with some black coffee on a rainy mumbai afternoon at the IPG office in Chibber House. We managed to record the interaction some time in between #LikeaBoss 🙂 And there another story of change unfolded. Nandini was instrumental in cleaning the roads around her office. Not just for a day but for good, involving all stake holders, with the help of her staff, clients and the neighborhood. Wielding her influence in bringing about change for the better is exactly the kind of stories that SABERA aims to bring to the fore. Helping build a positive and inspirational narrative for the country, one story at a time. BTW entries are open for you to submit initiatives of your responsible businesses. Here is is a quick link to register and submit entries to SABERA , The Social and Business Enterprise awards, Recognizing Good.