Annurag Batra
Annurag was my guest on the show ‘Boss kaun hai’ that I did on Radio many moons back. Infact #LikeaBoss is a progression of the idea on web, focussing now on the wisdom of leaders instead. Since then I have had the opportunity to work with Annurag twice over, once whilst launching the Governance Now magazine and then at e4m curating events. I have always known Annurag to be a peoples’ person. I strongly believe he’s reached where he has, with a lot of goodwill that he shares with the industry. Never does he let a text, mail or call go unacknowledged. Surrounded by people, I have often wondered whether he lets his need for acceptance and ratification get the better of his sharp Business acumen.
Irrespective, I have known him to be inspiring and ambitious. And as I brace myself to publish this a few months after it was originally recorded, I see his posts on receiving an honorary doctorate from a university in Jharkhand!
So here is my second interview with Dr. Annurag Batra with an extra ‘n’ lesser hair and 2 kids since we first met at the Radio city studios. As candid as it gets from the future of Business world to the future of digital media itself.
Here is my take away from the interview, I would love to know whats yours-
‘I am traditional & I looked down on it earlier, but #LGBTQ the community is underserved & the next digital media idea ready to explode, will cater to them’
Dr.Annurag Batra, Chairman & Editor in Chief, Business world & e4m group
PS : Thumbnail is from the first interview on Radio as you may have already guessed