Meet Chhaya Sharma, the erstwhile DCP South Delhi and the woman who cracked the Nirbhaya case. IPS officer Chhaya Sharma got a call in the middle of the night about 2 estranged bodies lying stark naked on the side of a road in Delhi 6 years back. She went ahead and nabbed the criminals within 3 days of the incident. It was a macabre gang rape that shook the nation. In 18 days a charge sheet was filed and finally 6 years later the judiciary of the country convicted all the perpetrators.
Meet the head of the investigations team in the Nirbhaya Gang rape case.
Chhaya besides being a commendable police officer , is also my classmate from school, Mater Dei. I am extremely proud to have had the opportunity to record this interaction with her. Now the D.I.G National Human Rights Commission, Chhaya remains equally committed and passionate towards bringing a change in the country. She recognises corruption within the system and hopes the pool of changemakers increases over the years.
This freewheeling conversation was recorded in her office at the ‘Manav Adhikar Bhavan’ in South Delhi, where we also spoke of Gender Roles, stereotypes and women in the Police force.
I was escorted into her office while she was having a meeting with 20 odd male officers that form a part of her team reporting in to her. It was an opportune moment to get their perspective on Gender equations 😉 They further added their perspective on the way forward with women, security and a city called Delhi.
We finally wrapped up the conversation with the ‘Must Do’s’ in case of an unfortunate incident of a sexual assault. Something that most of us are unaware of, but we MUST know in order to get justice.
Btw Chhaya had submitted her entry in the Sashaktikaran Category for #SABERA. Dec 6th NMML, Teen Murti. See you
Postscript: The jury decided to institute a new category and Chhaya was awarded the Changemaker award through the maiden edition of SABERA . Watch her acknowledgement here.
Registrations now open for SABERA 2019
Dear Suparnaa, I Just watched your interview with DIG Sharma. Very candid and eye opening about the police force, and being a woman in the force. Thank you for this interview. I wish yourself and DIG Sharma all the very best.
Grateful for your appreciation!
simply superb efforts Suparna ji and my heartfelt gratitude to Chaya JI for her remarkable efforts
Thank you! Goodness and Good content prevail despite all odds!
What an amazing lady she is
Chayaji, a Great Lady, Salute to her…