Interview Final Part
Anup Jain
I have known Anup as a friend first, a corporate honcho next and now finally as an investor. Anup’s wife Surbhi and I have been friends for a life time.
We’ve shared many a memory together much before Anup even came into the picture. But I had the good fortune of being a part of their whole journey as it started together when he was still with Whirlpool and she with ESPN.
It was but natural for me to reach out to him as I explore my own entrepreneurial pursuit of creating meaningful content.
I have known Anup to be pragmatic and very articulate through his pragmatism. You will se both these qualities reflect through this interview. We canned this in Surbhi & Anup’s apartment in Gurgaon. Earlier through the day I had canned the interaction with Sachin Bhatia of Truly Madly also in Gurgaon. This turned out to be a bonus in my quest to keep production costs frugal.
Anup brings to the table a rich experience from the consumer and retail industries. He shares here his perspective of an avid investor and mentor. He is vested in many an idea and mentoring a few startups too. In fact he is keenly ‘looking at meeting up and investing in startups solving for niche but fast growing consumer products or services that large companies simply don’t have the DNA to go after but wish they did!’
Irrespective of whether you are a startup or an aspiring entrepreneur, my take away from what Anup says is this- having a degree from a reputable institute or raising money may just not be what is required on the road to being a successful entrepreneur, since its a long drawn journey not just a fad- Simply put.